Truck in the Community

Truck is committed to promoting, supporting and engaging with the local community of Steventon and the wider Oxfordshire area.  Each year, Truck provides training and work opportunities for those wishing to get some hands-on festival experience, whilst raising funds and supporting local charities in the area


Truck Trust

What is the Truck Trust?

Truck has been raising vital funds for charities since its humble beginnings. Since 2014, the festival has raised £880,000.  In 2022, The Truck Trust was established; born out of a desire to expand our support and give back to the surrounding communities of the Festival, which is at the very heart of our ethos.

How does the Truck Trust work?

Each year, Truck raises funds for the trust. Our team then reviews applications for funding and confirms their one off donations for that year, whilst continuing to work with our long-term recipients.

What is the Funding criteria?

The trust provides grants for projects and organisations that provide opportunities and activities which sit within our four key pillars:

Our Local Community

A local project or organisation that enhances, educates or supports the lives of the local communities surrounding Hill Farm.


Our Future Generations

Organisations or individuals with projects that uplift and engage with young people who would like to gain an insight into the events industry or wish to showcase their creative talent at the festival


People and the Planet

Organisations or individuals that are involved in improving, raising awareness or supporting societal issues such as (but not limited to) the environment, homelessness, physical and mental health.


Oxfordshire’s Arts and Culture

Organisations or individuals that are heavily involved with and promote the rich art and cultural history of Oxfordshire.

How much can you donate to my charity/ organisation or project?

Typically, the Trust can support with donations of approximately £500 – £1000 towards your fundraising target, this varies on a case by case basis. It is important for us to understand how a potential donation will be spent, so that we can assess the level of investment we can commit to. 

If I am successful, when are funds distributed?

Truck trust funds are distributed to successful applicants in the Autumn.

When do applications for 2025 funding open?

Applications for 2025 funding will be open in the new year. To sign up to be the first to know, click here.

How much has the Truck trust raised to date?

Since 2022, the Trust has raised and distributed £80,000!

In 2024, the Truck Trust awarded 29 funding grants totalling £30k. This funding has gone directly to Oxfordshire based organisations, including Oxfordshire Foster Care Association, Abingdon Carousel Family Centre, Young Women’s Music Project, Be Free Young Carers + more!

Can I donate to the Truck Trust?

Yes you can! Please click here to donate

The Truck Trust is a micro trust of GivingWorks a UK registered charity (charity no: 1078870).